Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Finish Elephant Reproduction Slides; Exercise Lab Day 1 (choose IV's & measure RHR)

Day 1 of Semester 2 - clean slate! Enjoy that feeling... :)

Half sheet of paper; write your first name, period #
1. What are you most proud of from semester 1?
2. What are three goals for semester 2 of biology?
(group member closest to windows please collect & turn in)

TED-Ed Video: How do your hormones work? (HERE; 2 mins)

Finish Elephant Reproduction Slides HERE
Finish data sheet and turn in

B  R  E  A  K...

Notebooks out for notes during videos & discussion

Unit 2 Task 4: Exercise Lab in Google Classroom
Go through slides and choose independent variables

Essential Question: How do elephants respond to stress and exercise in captivity?

Back ground info on how to measure heart rate & what does it mean? HERE before student work on CER (practice measuring RHR)

Thursday: Do Exercise Lab --- dress accordingly!!!

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