Friday, November 8, 2019

Maker Space! (Day 2/Final Day)

Stop in S-020 to drop off backpacks and then head up to Maker Space (S-149) to get started right away and finish your project! I'll wait here for the bell then take attendance upstairs in Maker Space.

Continue Habitat Corridor Project (slides HERE)

Before today, you should have completed these 2 tasks:

1. Identify the Problem HERE (do 1 per group, share w/all members)
2. Design a prototype HERE 

By now, you should have a focal species, two natural areas that you will connect, a sketch of a prototype for your design, and a prototype that you started on Wed. 11/6.

Today, use the Engineering Design Tracker HERE to update your progress and get feedback from your peers on your design with the last 10 minutes of class before clean up.

Begin cleanup 10 minutes before end of class and go back to S-020 with 5 minutes left of class to get backbacks.

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