Thursday, October 10, 2019

Finish Biodiversity Inquiry Data Analysis; Day 4

Period 5 - Sub today while I'm doing a biology training for the first half of the day. Email or text me with any questions, or stop by during 7th or 8th period (I'm on campus)

Please sit with field trip groups again to continue data work

Today is the last class work day to finish Tasks 4 & 5, but they are not due in Classroom until next Friday, 10/18.

Essential Question: How does (your variable) affect the number of species of arthropods found at Mt. Tabor Park?

READ: To streamline our data analysis, I created two tasks in Google Classroom, Tasks 4 and 5, that are clearer and more straightforward than the previous plan.
Each student should work on a Chromebook and collaborate with lab partners. 

Please use a slip of scrap paper to make a checklist like this and keep it on your desk as you work today. Next to each task please update your progress so that I know you understand your tasks and are making progress.
Task 1: ____________
Task 2: (skip for now)
Task 3: (one per group)
Task 4:_____________
Task 5:____________

Today's Tasks:
1. Finish updating field notes and iNaturalist uploads
Continue using these SLIDES to help you work through your field trip data and upload photos to iNaturalist (follow instructions on slides carefully!; there are help videos embedded in the text for troubleshooting)
2. Task 4 in Google Classroom (Results & Graph)

3. Task 5 in Google Classroom(Claim/Evidence/Reasoning)

**If you didn't go on field trip, join a group and use their data in order to complete data analysis. 

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