Tuesday, February 25, 2020

New seats; Begin Unit 3: Cell Division & Genetics

New Seats! Intentional groups are set for this unit due to the nature of the work we'll be doing.
At your new table assignment, take turns sharing the following with your group:
1. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?
2. If you could meet anyone, alive or deceased, who would it be and why?
3. What is something that you want to accomplish in high school?

Please get out a notebook & writing utensil. You'll also need a way to stay organized with materials this unit! Need a folder or binder? I have lots to share.

New format for work for this unit: POGIL

  1. POGIL protocol: assign each student group a -
    1. Timekeeper (manages time)
    2. Reader (reads the questions out loud to keep team on same page)
    3. Document Controller (makes sure the POGIL for each student has the same responses as the group has come to a consensus about the response based on the available evidence in model. 
    4. Spokesperson (only person who can share out or ask questions of teacher. This helps students utilize each other as resources prior to asking for teacher input (models contain all info necessary to answer questions).
    5. What is POGIL? Stands for 'Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning'; it is a student-centered, group-learning instructional strategy and philosophy developed through research on how students learn best.
    6. Important: no technology during POGIL--- these are in class assignments and not to be assigned for homework or as a sub plan.

Begin Unit 3: Cell Division & Genetics (take notes)

Unit EQ's:
-How do organisms grow and develop?
-How are signals for growth and development transmitted from parents to offspring?
-What happens if those signals change over time? 

Unit 3 Task 1: Cell Types
-Do all cells have the same structure?
-What functions do organelles perform in cells?

1) Explore different cell types using this POGIL
Work with your group to complete, turn in when finished

Unit 3 Task 2: Mitosis & Growth
EQ: How do living things grow and repair themselves?

1) Introduce challege with slides 1-3 HERE
2) Complete Mitosis POGIL with group, turn in when done
3) Complete Mitosis Investigation and Microscope Lab using slides 5-12 HERE

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Biology Rubrics

2019/2020 Biology Rubrics