Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Elephant Research Presentations

Presentations today on elephant research!
"What is the cause of reduced reproduction rates in captive elephants?"

IMPORTANT: You must address, The mechanism of the cause on a cellular/molecular level is… (include background information to explain the mechanism)

15 minutes to prepare with your group

Sign up for order of presentation on the board

Respect your classmates and their efforts:
-no electronics, please
-give your full attention and presence
-provide authentic feedback for each group

Feedback forms
After each presentation, talk with your group members to evaluate the presenting group and provide the following feedback:
1) Praise - What did they do well in their presented research?
2) Polish - What could be improved?
3) Question - What are you still wondering?

Please have one person in your group share your slides w/me

-Time to refine/edit your group's research & turn in
-Free time/film/outside time/share food/? (your choice)

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Biology Rubrics

2019/2020 Biology Rubrics