Thursday, February 6, 2020

Exercise Lab Day 4: Polar Bear Energetics & Connection to Elephant Investigation

As you get seated and ready for class today, share a rose and a thorn with your table partners. 🌹

WARM UP: (write in notebook)
1. How is stress related to cellular muscle growth? (what makes muscles grow?)
2. How does exercise affect tissue systems in the body? (heart, muscles, etc.)

Exercise Lab CER due by end of day Friday (tomorrow)!

In the Exercise Lab, we investigated how stress (exercise) affects homeostasis in humans.
Our research question was: "What is the effect of exercise on heart rate as measured by beats per minute?"
(Discuss results and limitations, example graph on slide 9)

How do we measure exercise in animals?
Polar Bear Energetics slides and activities HERE

Get 'Polar Bear Energetics Worksheet' half sheet
You will fill out the 6 boxes by following along with slides, how does this connect to elephant reproduction? 
(slide 11 in Classroom HERE)

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