Monday, December 16, 2019

Begin Unit 2: Biomolecules; Introduction to Elephant Project

Happy 'Last Week of School Before Winter Break!!!' ❅

This week:
-A Day tutorial on Thursday
-Friday 12/20 is Assembly AND Tutorial (see schedule HERE)
-Friday 12/20 is the last day to turn in Tasks 1 - 8!!! 
 (you can still turn in revisions past this date)
 Please see me for help & get your work done!!!
 See list on board for those with incomplete work...

Unit 2: Biomolecules (Outline HERE)

biomolecule - a chemical compound produced by and found in living organisms; the building blocks of life that perform important functions in living organisms.

Demo: How do egg whites, sugar, oil, starch and water react to indicator solutions?
What is the predominant type of biomolecule present in each type of food?
(if absent, watch this student demo video)

Go to Google Classroom to work on Unit 2 Task 1 with your table group (Do Step 2: Compare/Contrast Activity)

Introduction to Elephant Project & Group Roles w/Contract
(Google Classroom Unit 2 Introduction)

-Vocabulary Terms HERE (20 terms) Due after break! 1/7/20
-Watch Biomolecules Video HERE (8 mins) 

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