Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Create Corridor Pitch Presentation; Finish Teacher/Student Meetings

Welcome! Please sit with Habitat Corridor groups today. 

Today: Create Habitat Corridor Project Pitch Presentation slides with your group; be ready to present next class (Thursday)

Essential Question: How can we conserve urban biodiversity as Portland Metro area's population continues to grow?

Your Engineering Design Challenge was to design an urban habitat corridor for a species of animal living in the Portland Metro region that connects a smaller habitat to the anchor habitat of Forest Park to improve the survival of your target species. (location can be adjusted to accommodate species' range)

You Defined the Problem:
  1. What are the needs (food, water, shelter) of your particular animal species? 
  2. Does your animal species require a certain territory size? 
  3. What is the scale of the territory needed by your animal? 
  4. Any migration behavior you might need to account for? 
  5. What conflicts exist near your potential habitat corridor? (i.e. if your area is used for industrial or residential purposes? 
  6. Are there major roads separating your smaller habitat from Forest Park?)
  7. Decide whether the corridor should be fully or partially protected, and justify that decision.

Criteria & Constraints:
-You must demonstrate how your project addresses the specific needs of your target animal species.

Limitation Discussion:
Considering your proposed design... 
What limitations might you face in implementing your corridor design?
What financial costs will impact the implementation of your design?
Provide reasoning for each limitation you propose. 

Today's task: Use this GOOGLE SLIDE TEMPLATE to create a presentation of your habitat corridor to pitch to the City of Portland (Request for Proposal HERE for reference if needed)

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Biology Rubrics

2019/2020 Biology Rubrics