Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Project feedback; Clarify Tasks 4 & 5; Work Time & Biodiversity Video

Ice Breaker/Warm Up:
-Stand up, move around until music stops, find a partner
-Discuss the following talking points with your partner:
Partner 1:If you had a day all to yourself, what would you do?
Partner 2: What does your family do that you like?
Partner 3: What have you done that you're most proud of?

End of Quarter 1 is next Thursday, October 31st!

Share your feedback from project
-Enjoyed the field work
-Interesting to look at all the arthropods
-Well organized
-Liked working in a group
-Interesting, deep analysis, bugs!
-Too long (x 1000)
-Clearer instructions on write up
-Graphs were confusing
-Project conclusion/wrap up?
-Sample sorting in field was too quick 

Look at Tasks 4 and 5 together in Google Classroom, clarify questions and edit (resubmit if needed)

Work on editing tasks & resubmit

(a breather before our next topic...) & work time if needed

Fun little video on Biodiversity HERE (23 mins) 😁

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