Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ecology Vocab due today; Continue Habitat Corridor Prep; Meet in Maker Space on Monday 11/4

Last Day of Quarter 1! (no school Friday 11/1/19)
Come to work today during any period if needed

Today is the last day to prepare for Maker Space!
We will meet there (S-142) all next week

HOMEWORK (!): Ecosystems & Biodiversity Vocab List
Due today, Wednesday, Oct. 30th
In your notebook, copy the following terms, define, and give an example. If you do it digitally, provide a hard copy for your notebook. VOCAB LIST HERE

Check Synergy:
If you're missing points from your Task 4, look at comments in Google Classroom to see why. Edit & resubmit if needed.

Continue Habitat Corridor Project (slides HERE for help)

Each group is responsible for the following 2 tasks today:

1. Identify the Problem HERE (do 1 per group, share w/all members)

2. Design a prototype HERE (for tracking progress in Maker Space)

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Biology Rubrics

2019/2020 Biology Rubrics