Thursday, September 26, 2019

Last day of Mt. Tabor Field Trip prep! Experimental design finished today

Community Building Pair Share: 
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be, and why?

IMPORTANT Field Trip Reminder for Monday 9/30:
Period 5 - Meet here at 8:00am for an 8:15am departure
Periods 7 & 8 - Meet here by 12 noon for a 12:15 departure

Today's Tasks:
(please get a computer on your way in)
1. Go to Google Classroom to 'Task 3: Experimental Design Summary'
2. Actively work through the slides with your lab table 
3. Work on your 'Mt. Tabor Park Biodiversity Inquiry Project DRAFT' on paper, then turn in ONE copy on Classroom per group.
4. Create an 'iNaturalist' account (everyone able to please do this)
5. Practice sorting arthropods in classroom from a sample taken outside

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