Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Roses & Thorns; Tragedy of the Commons Fishing Activity; Norms; Syllabus

Please grab your name tent from the front table

Our First Roses & Thorns!
Everyone please share with your table group
Rose: something good from your long weekend
Thorn: something challenging about your long weekend

Slides for 9/4/19

Creation of our Biology Class Norms, Rules, & Expectations 
using the 'Franklin Strong' Values
-On a piece of paper, brainstorm what it means to be:
Thoughtful, Respectful, Organized, Neighborly, Generous
-Share ideas out loud with table group
-Then create a whiteboard with your table group to share with the whole class

Our First Field Trip: Tuesday, September 24th
-Biodiversity sampling and identification lab
-1/2 day only, either AM or PM
-Your other teachers are aware that it's a mandatory trip
-Please get your Walking Field Trip Permission Slip signed and back to me before then

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